The Gorge folding Shovel from Gerber is the prefect wild camping/bushcraft companion. It also makes a pretty useful trail repair tool for the avid mountain biker who likes to take care of their local trails. The compact size means it fits easily into your pack and the weight comes in very useful to help compensate for its small stature. Solidly built with the usual standard of Gerber quality. This compact shovel comes with its on storage bag to keep the mud off the rest of you kit when stowing it in your pack. The Shovel itself has 3 different functions. Firstly and most obviously it can be used as a shovel, no surprise there. Secondly set the shovel blade to 90 degrees and you have yourself a useful pick for the harder more compact ground. Then finally on the reverse of the shovel you will notice a textured block for hammering in those stubborn pegs. Easy-to-use push button slide mechanism Glass-filled Nylon Handle Pick made for hard packed ground Hammer feature at base, great for hammering tent stakes Nylon drawstring bag for easy transport Small, compact size great for camping, backpacking, etc.